Pictures from datatjej 2013

Datatjej (computer girl) is a big convention arranged here in Umeå for females studying IT and computer science all over Sweden. Superbly arranged I heard nothing but praise from the attending people. I went to the ending banquet and had a great time and even made some new friends! :) 

Got a few photos in the process. Even though my new Fujifilm XE-1 has superb low light capabilities, I really needed a brighter lens. I'll buy a 35mm soon, probably the 1.4 from Fujifilm... but I've been tempted to go even brighter with a 35mm 0.95. These are all JPGs from the camera with some editing as I have yet to get my hands on a good RAW converter (update: Adobe released a new version of Camera RAW with better X-trans support a few days ago - excellent). 

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